
Our clients are all over the world

Qunxis has accumulat冷新ed a lot of ser女請vice experience over the years, and at 女懂the same time, we hav謝店e a deep unders高年tanding of the applic服城ation of various indu裡服stries, including: te影視lecommunications, secur得物ities, funds, banks, large foreign ente年如rprises, office視這s of foreign enterpris靜在es, branches of forei事工gn enterprises and so on.securities, funds, 但志banks, large foreign-fund民時ed enterprises, offices of 街但foreign-funded enterprises, br體哥anches of foreign-知章funded enterprises, etc.

Customer Cases
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A world-renowned industrial comp煙少any headquarter票訊ed in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 身刀with core businesses計短 in decorative paints, performance coat森裡ings, and specia都友lty chemicals, produ現坐cing paints, overcoat會可s, stains, and decorative家線 coatings for the indu小錯strial, transportation, and m謝家arine markets for both self-購拿use and specialized applicat離動ions, with operations in 80 co是間untries and dozens 湖工of well-known brands in the field of co花雪atings around the globe.

In the chemical enterprises that have 也書realized the IT科服 system, although the stru農關cture of the system is mainly 關場based on financial manageme新吧nt and office automation (OA),拿雪 the security consciousne劇在ss of the enterprises has be玩文en greatly improved, and the 弟數application of t北多he IT system in the produ不知ction, logistics and marketing 外關of the enterprises ha訊這s been gradually improved.

In 2006, Fwone establi志海shed a partnership with it that contin月技ues to this day.Provided network cab那些ling, server room通兒 relocation and other 慢綠related large-scale coop的月eration,

From the program setting to the i你人mplementation process, to t城鄉he after-sales problems after the r但讀esults are confirmed, Fwone has been 現商solving the problems fo有金r them with good servic中服e attitude and profess行答ional service a短的bility. Providing IT technical suppor林老t services for its branches in 秒用Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Langfan道煙g, Chengdu, Hong Kong, Xi'an,算跳 Wuhan and Shenyang in China. We have輛費 been recognized and affirmed by 通工our partners for our good reputation, t了筆imely and efficient service stre車紅ngth and good service attitude.小秒

  • Fwone service
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  • Client background

Fwone provides various services 劇美that meet the actual and deve上科lopmental needs of上黑 users with hum水物anized service products that m哥市eet the needs of different呢爸 customers; it implements the到議 cross-manageme問大nt mode of project 空電manager, area manager and service desk 算來to control the service 水我quality of each proj老匠ect, and has formed the兵請 technical service銀商 specification in the冷靜 years of service work to 樹船ensure that the servic海中e has the least problems.

Open-ended funds from the launch of the子山 fund to the liquidation of the 什看settlement, which most o公好f the process requi在醫res the support of the IT system愛爸. IT support for its work校會 has become an in民亮tegral part of the mainten購和ance of sensitive customer informa間玩tion, to reduce the workflow, to 土吃avoid the leakage of important d亮麗ata and information, with the int書西ernal computer maintenance function大鐵.

Approved by the China Securit姐什ies Regulatory Commission and establis司醫hed in June 1998, it is one of the fi靜內rst batch of fund management companies河來 in China, with a registered ca妹子pital of RMB 150 million yua我街n, and the company is headquartered in黃事 Shanghai.

  • Fwone service
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Since the establishment of co城街operation, Fwone has provided IT t藍鐵echnical service support,時車 data center construction and call ce在費nter on standby. During t就公his period, we provide complet為是e server room reloc遠但ation program, f花費rom understanding the precautions of se要吧rver room relocation in the e什但arly stage, to the輛南 mid-term server room relocation o理草n-site service, as well as data restora化水tion after the completion 笑體of the relocation, etc., we s用女olve the problems of serv物跳er room relocation for the enterprise 黑日with careful and d科少etail-oriented, quality-assure妹下d service.

The Internet industry is inextrica朋討bly linked to IT, from the construc吧志tion to the development of a comp們水any, its needs are huge, targe照飛ted and complex, and it needs 路子to be maintained and operated for到快 a long time. Companies ar快事e faced with complex and com村會plicated data, and want to inte近那grate systems, adjust data, and maintai車有n contact with cons志河umers.

Founded in December 2016, headquartere的也d in Beijing. opened its算嗎 first store in Beijing城有 in February 2017, and then ex西用panded in many bu東醫siness districts in Beijing, using a男作 block penetrati科那on strategy to inten美快sively open stores 書綠to serve users in depth.

  • Fwone service
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  • Client backgrou在拿nd

Fwone provides IT 快妹technical support serv村我ices for its Wuhan organi票算zation to provide smart da綠綠ta center construction for hos電在pitals, which can respond to c學北hanges more quickl金黃y while transforming op媽相erating costs. 19 years of accurate ana暗老lysis and judgment can o得煙btain new insights i中藍nto the operation of 爸為data centers, and actively monitor and 花也manage them to achieve c在歌ontinuous improvemen一科t in data center management and da大道ta center construction.

The most fundamental purpose o土紙f hospital information construction pr動錯ocess is to reduce medical errors,照說 improve the quality of窗街 medical service輛煙s, control medical co民唱sts and the growth of me低放dical expenses. Among the cost 女兒of services, patient data is nume理錯rous and complex, 日了in order to enhance月黃 the efficiency and improve the qual通地ity of services, i在好nformation technology m小校edical services more transparen山下t and faster.

Established in 西照1950, it is a tertiary lung hospital有都 integrating tuberculosis p子家revention and control and clinical dia房現gnosis and treatment通愛 of tuberculosis and lung disea街黑ses, as well as sc讀廠ientific education 通外and research.

  • Fwone service
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  • Client background

Fwone provides appropriate IT 坐這technical support according to制路 customer needs, and its busines章慢s scope in the service desk水理 management services in the call些水 center, as a si車弟ngle centralized service w數綠indow, to enhance the effici錯我ency of the service, inc國多rease the satisfaction of the end-user歌關s, and at the same time, with t金朋he use of professional 這唱system tools, to achieve the visua空雪lization of  IT services.

Too much corporate bra樂銀nding, integrating al房外l systems, eliminatin做廠g branding silos, an訊亮d ensuring that hosted data cente黑議rs can run smooth員飛ly. Integration and 通湖maintenance of new systems.

One of the branded ret關分ailers in the international mar銀書ket, with a brand 身跳portfolio of over 20 br話和ands including 廠去Giorgio Armani. The Group has s去有et up different branded spe兒暗cialty stores and branded var快友iety stores in Macau and second and th化線ird tier cities in China, including a r懂場ange of international br得作anded apparel, footwear, jewe他視lry, handbags and accessor要要ies. The Group has established a retai弟裡l network of premium European brands i兒懂n China and has set up over 150 retail 化信stores in Macau and 23 cities i錢森n China.

  • Fwone service
  • Client need
  • Client background

Fwone provides corr會還esponding data center man醫煙agement services for securit書不ies operating institutions and buil黑女ds intelligent data centers; in長下 the cooperation serv草理ice so far, it has been providing IT t去金echnical support and help desk man文吃agement service制司s: when the customer'路我s computer system影房 has a problem, the Fwone seat engineers are more able to p商和rovide telephone technical support花著 at the first time.

Securities IT systems, especially th制文e core business syste美藍ms related to tradin音學g, are highly interr吃睡elated and need 上票to be well integrated with each oth日雨er. At the same time, the informatio雨哥n of securities business organiz花可ations is relatively sensitive紙低, in order to protect the 的現security of customer information a舞師nd prevent the l答現eakage of sensitive customer in好明formation, it is necessary to ma現請intain and overh得謝aul the system on a regular媽風 basis, and desensitiz理數e the sensitive data in its info低草rmation system.

It is a national c說靜omprehensive securities operat腦湖ion organization approved by Chin我廠a Securities Regulatory C火草ommission and registered in March 2001 內習in Shenzhen.


Porsche Motors is a world-ren音的owned researcher, design舊多er and manufacturer of sp醫明orts cars.Founde學算d in 1930 in Stuttgart, Germany, the 月師company has produced a nu通國mber of sports car products that have制銀 captured the a愛腦ttention of the aut音拍omotive industry and enthus媽路iasts alike. Fwone雜區 established a partnership with友海 Porsche in 2017 區秒that continues to this day.線那

FrieslandCampina Shanghai
FrieslandCampina Shanghai

FrieslandCampina was founded in理船 1871,is the onl視水y dairy company in the Nethe化花rlands to have been awa有嗎rded a royal title and one of音山 the largest cooper秒身ative dairies in the world,Owns nearly樂廠 80% of the Netherlands' farm遠道s and is one of the 報可world's top 10 dair懂我y companies,Its products 兒開are sold well in事錯 more than 100 countr著又ies around the worl暗對d.In 2015, Fwone established a還司 partnership with 綠開it that continues to this day. F務做wone provides IT 土大technical suppo但呢rt services for 東什its Shenyang, Shanghai and Beiji下東ng companies.

DKSH Shanghai Ltd
DKSH Shanghai Ltd

DKSH Shanghai Ltd is a錯秒 registered subsidiary of DKSH in 腦吃China.Business outlets are土購 distributed in 64 large, med銀議ium and small cities an裡在d regions across the coun爸近try.A total of more than 討路1,200 professional employees prov資拍ide professional and high相校 quality solutions for companies 女公in China and foreign customers who come也短 to China to de下鐘velop their markets.In 2019, Groupthink 她綠entered into a partnership with it 木算that continues to this day,Fwone prov購也ides IT support services f工城or its Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzh裡舞ou and Shenzhen orga科很nizations.


The Heraeus Group is h知很eadquartered in Hanau綠說, Germany.Heraeus is a global famil也白y-owned investment company,嗎懂 The company started as a醫朋 small pharmacy in 166會年0. Today, the He人音raeus Group operates in the fie鐵河lds of environmental prot歌很ection, electronics,河村 health and industri他資al applications, and will be嗎厭 recognized as a Fortune 500 聽鐵company in 2022.In 那還2019 Fwone established a partnersh金船ip with it and continues to this day, 嗎樂providing IT techn從美ical support servi技個ces for its Shanghai and靜國 Changshu branches.

Wuhan union hospital
Wuhan union hospital

Union Hospital of Tongji Medical 樂科College, Huazhong Univers長土ity of Science and T兒店echnology was founded in 1866體喝.,It is a large-scale com信店prehensive teaching hospital directly生得 under the supervision of the N風那ational Health Commis業在sion with the longest history of me上長dical treatment, teaching and 我新scientific research in Wuhan, and is 商離one of the first national 美藍Grade 3A hospitals and one of the to視紅p 100 hospitals in China黃雨.In 2021, Fwone established a p暗對artnership with&nbs影報p;Wuhan union hospital that co電爸ntinues today, with Fwone providi影些ng IT support services 明朋for its Wuhan organization.


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