Remote Assistan店紙ce

One party initia區事tes/one party receives, rei兒討nventing the remote experience and he低新lping to upgrade your busines東不s!

Defining the Next Generation of做離 Remote Assistance

On-site service & rem是視ote assistance, establishing a鐵樹n efficient communication bridg志討e, greatly enhancing the user ex廠公perience and improving service effic來睡iency.
  • situational awareness-Real車火-time monitoring

    The system monitors termin女話al conditions such as 刀兒host CPU, memory, and hard disk oper人煙ation status in r機她eal time, providing 拍生a unified platform for threat mo麗關nitoring and risk 子懂disposal.
  • Anytime, Anywhe相村re-Efficient Remote

    Cell phones, computer為舊s, both ends of the Int學話ernet, anytime, anywhe爸火re to be able to靜長 one-to-many way, at the same tim農能e can be initiated mo得笑re than one rem姐林ote connection, to improv物看e the quality of service and res黃分ponse speed.
  • Abnormal alarm-Real-time Response雨女

    Configure the拿議 alarm policy, trigger the ala購分rm immediately pushed to the designate吧暗d personnel to deal 還水with, to prevent拿志 equipment abnormalities affect路可ing normal business.
  • Visual Communications-Screen Sharin謝玩g

    Video + voi鐘自ce + text communication, insta你到nt sharing of live events, as 為老well as support for screen sh一黃aring during calls. 數電
  • Live drawing boa文中rd-Remote files

    Real-time dr匠但awing board assistance, large線匠 file transfer, su音影pport for breakpoint近說s, can drag and d金都rop transfer, flexible and co還學nvenient, fast transfer of遠事 patches, installers

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