IT Operation And Maintena用笑nce Management Platform

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Operation And Maintenance Management Pl門得atform
Character Scene
I can't get anyone on the phone?街房
WeChat and SMS feedback票慢 is too slow!
Analog to digit站空al signaling reduces call loss
Multi-channel repair path 從體
Screen Popup
  • Only need to fill in the repair content費熱
  • Support voice report repair, support上就 to text
  • Incoming calls can線公 be recorded and the record空化ing can be converted to照是 text
  • Supported Attachme們雪nts
  • WeChat, phone calls, meeti站喝ngs,Too much work to d短都o.
    What should I do? 音地
    View work order list at a glan多務ce
  • How can I be懂外 more efficient at 都鐵work?
    How can I get t熱去he clinicaldepartment's 文東satisfaction?
    Real-time track歌工ing system alerts service status
  • How to find a quick solut做和ion to the same kind of
    knowledge base
  • population
    work order volume 白月
  • Functional sec吧的tions
    work orde從影r volume
  • Work order說問 repair
    Pr數弟oportion of sources 老校
  • Work 員笑order service
    evaluation sources
  • Work Or自海der Classification
    proportions 如窗
  • Work Or要但der Cancellation
    Percentage of 一綠sections
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Service Process
Enterprise Knowledge Base
Open a work order, click 話樹on Knowledge Base Query. You can書計 search for solu校湖tions, FAQs, etc. by ques不高tion type or search ke市做ywords.
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The platform is capable of r一窗ealizing integrated cont車請rol by displaying different ways such請頻 as big screen overview, flat map, equi女金pment structure diagram, equipment l物學ist, etc。Real-time operation info廠行rmation of each subsystem can be disp算日layed on demand.
  • Equipment operating status
  • Evaluation and Compl鄉得aints
  • Work order information 了站statistics
  • Ranking of repair rep問們orts
  • Work order completion
  • Monthly completion
  • energy consumption
  • Personnel situation
  • Monitoring center 飛錯
    Through the章喝 monitoring cent綠黑er to understand the equipment裡如 operation status, service status, 白白server details, etc., you can moni校內tor the regional conditions in re謝這al time to form an慢讀 overall perception and 門校improve the efficiency o市煙f control.
  • Large scre間人en display
    Work order comple那生tion can be displayed on a la年一rge screen, T媽很he large screen見金 can display work ord玩還er completion, personnel, monthly com司服pletion, etc., ac畫還cording to the needs o站的f setting the display parame綠家ters, quickly view 離我the relevant personnel 很去and equipment, convenient and timely co男玩ntrol
  • Intelligent Statistics 為知
    Multi-dimensional da分多ta statistical analysis, such as弟從 repair, maintenan快土ce, inspection d去裡etails, asset inventory, etc., a物線ccording to the data anal那紙ysis results to optimize the deployme年訊nt of the next task, so that decision-m腦街aking is more scientific and effective西通.
Asset management
One item, 錢媽one code, effici暗也ent inventory. According t舞新o the hospital equipment classi開綠fication standards, the estab討新lishment of equipment information base厭花, through standardization to impro通動ve the value and utiliz短是ation of assets.
  • Storage of assets
  • Booking installation
  • Asset acceptance
  • Recycling and scrap國近ping
  • Scan the code to report銀現 for repair
  • Assets inspection and stocktaking
  • Asset change
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Remote Assistance河信
On-site service 生鐵& remote assistance, the establis冷件hment of efficient com紅個munication bridge, greatly 們拿enhance the user experience, i很老mprove service effi年票ciency.
Situational Awa間綠reness -- Real-Time Monitoring自能

The system monitors terminal co北報nditions such a拍北s host CPU, memory議都, and hard disk operation s男志tatus in real time, providing a 長玩unified platform for threat m了友onitoring and risk disposal.

Efficient Remote, Anyti他花me, Anywhere 冷還

Cell phones, compu明讀ters, both ends of the Internet, anyti兵花me, anywhere to be一歌 able to one-to-many way, 妹銀at the same time can be initia拍但ted more than one remote connection,視北 to improve the quality of se木什rvice and response speed.

Abnormal alarm -- Real-time Resp遠草onse

Configure the alar醫好m policy, trigger the alarm immediatel動山y pushed to the desig個飛nated personnel to deal with, 聽到to prevent equipment abnorma購村lities affecting normal busi通服ness.

Visual Communications -- 那票Screen Sharing

Video + voice + text commu師也nication, instant sharing of live event文跳s, as well as support for scr購還een sharing during calls.

Live Drawing Board -- Rem老暗ote Files

Real-time drawing board assistance,科議 large file transfer, support for br對就eakpoints, can drag a理女nd drop transfer, flexible房冷 and convenient, fast transfer of p聽吃atches, install那章ers.

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Mobile Operations
Real-time monitoring o話人f the mobile te男習rminal, closed-loop management of th美到e whole process, 新窗and customized fun女謝ction integration according to the nee空街ds of the enterprise, to achieve co煙地nvenient management.
  • Set Query
  • Quickly create repa間你ir work orders
  • Work Order Progress Inquiry
  • AI customer service
  • Query information
  • Alarm message reminder 村體
AI customer service
AI that understands users bette湖讀r, uses natural languag日區e recognition t亮樹echnology to help users solve c街件ommon problems, responds quickly to海員 users, and greatly reduces the workl人店oad of operation and mainten人計ance engineers.我術
Growth AI

Intelligent question 劇章and answer:Customize土線 FAQs according to business needs,司日 FAQ recommendation buttons to im讀視prove session efficienc們子y.

Growth AI
Quick Reply

It has the abilit就科y to deal with user problems quickly. 著國It can quickly access the user&路刀#39;s problems and needs t明說hrough automated processes 日務and provide the app林少ropriate soluti藍可ons by combining pre-set r的銀ules and logic.

Quick Reply

7x24 hours online reception of user麗樹 issues, year-round, omni-chann很說el access, insight i票吃nto the hearts and 工東minds of AI customer弟商 service around the clock, the 身和resolution rate of up愛村 to 95%.

Internal knowledge base 謝風

Automatically generate an exclusive AI 相店knowledge base to achieve rapi海那d document management, accurate doc老廠ument analysis, t現舞hat is, ask and answer, to help y謝雨ou efficiently a能章nd easily handle documen火行ts.

Internal knowledge base
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