Performance Managem下冷ent System For 我商Tertiary Public Hospi可明tals

Provide a unified query monitorin鐘農g platform,Realize the perf玩購ormance management of ho都拿spitals, departments,teams, individ腦老uals and other levels of cons個藍truction goals, to create a compr很上ehensive, scientific 好到and reasonable performance還拍 management and evaluation 亮相system for hospita開體ls.
  • Poor data quality
    Indicators involve multiple 笑微business systems, and 行音the existing col歌店lection methods, statistical calibers習做 and calculation methods are 劇高very messy, which is easy民件 to lead to errors, and the responsib視國ility of data errors is very important.微外
  • Difficulty of c畫理ollaboration 習小
    Performance appraisal sel間見f-assessment and reporting wo樹票rk related to more than a do微鄉zen sections, from the start of the ap中離praisal work to the completi朋大on of the assessment, the duration of 日紅a long period of 就如time, the work of many訊草 tasks, the process of communication i爸跳s frequent, result熱南ing in difficulties in colla舊技boration, overtime to catch up w信答ith the work is the norm.
  • Hard Understand
    Data q長用uality control standards, asse也服ssment indicators a standard計喝 statistical rules are many 影公very detailed, an u們友nderstanding of the calculati有們on process lack of correspo化匠nding instructions, it 厭如is difficult to ensure that the resu紅人lts of the calculation c到放orrectly reflect the 愛北real situation of th姐知e business, problems are no公訊t good investigation. 資我
  • Difficulty in implementing the pr中靜ocess
    The e妹友stablishment of a unified cros街森s-time and cross-terr媽紅itory data flow platform facilitates 化公document access, sharing,上慢 previewing, searching, statistics從鐵, reviewing, anal服不yzing and other operations, which gr照著eatly improves the effi市要ciency of process approval and m去雨anagement.
  • The results are not meas鄉如urable
    When reporting to the nati歌鄉onal platform, hospitals were 藍黑unable to conduct effective sel窗醫f-examination and self-assessment, 做和and when the state released the results男女, most hospitals found 朋村that there was a significant gap be事學tween the results of the a這通ssessment and their ex我林pectations. 劇拿
  • Hard Understand
    Each year the s作件tate gives less花間 than two weeks from the is長她suance of the policy to the completion船我 of the report
Modeling basketry q校兵uality based on performance apprai筆拍sal

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