Fwone has obtained SRDI qualificati風黃on


Recently, Beijing Municipal Bur線村eau of Economy and Information Tech中吃nology released the &qu雪河ot;Notice of Beijing Municipal窗用 Bureau of Economy and In多黑formation Technology on the Publi睡樹c Announcement of the List of Spec筆中ialized, Speciali女算zed and New Small and Medium-si綠暗zed Enterprises in 學視Beijing in the First Q信人uarter of 2023", and 鐵員Fwone has obtained SRDI qualification.女他


In 2022, "SRDI" was inc廠路luded in the Government W紅購ork Report for the first time,司微 becoming a hot word for policy, in兒拿dustry and investment. &qu大線ot;SRDI" means &麗國quot;specialization, refinemen行男t, specialization and novelty". S訊愛pecialized, refined, spe司海cial and new SMEs are the backbo草媽ne of high-quality SMEs, and ar個電e important pro著自of that they have reached t會很he leading level in the indu照西stry in terms of economic efficie視術ncy, specialization, innovation abil短玩ity, management and笑紅 other special aspects.書通 It is an important proof that the 分高enterprise has reached the l子日eading level in刀市 the industry in terms of economi行紙c efficiency, specialization, 頻懂innovation ability,哥電 operation and 照用management.

Fwone has obtained S分匠RDI qualification,it highlig呢腦hts the results of the comp關飛any's work in tech票了nological innovation我下 and transformation of technological a家睡chievements in recent years,訊弟 and lays a sol新跳id foundation for fu森熱rther development.

Since its establishment,東她 Fwone has been focus雪輛ing on computer outsourcing s吧到ervices. Through continuous窗嗎 R&D and innovation,樂大 Qunis provides professional solutio快紙ns to its customers 空報and is committed to becoming a globa些畫l enterprise providing profe廠上ssional and efficie開師nt computer outsourcin在長g services.

Fwone currently provides草坐 professional compu區姐ter technical service support f務制or more than 1,000 山白enterprises in China. With many ye聽又ars of service experie機信nce in the IT indus分子try, Qunxis has formed a mat見老ure professional service system, 線學equipped with a professi市妹onal level of techn都內ical and management team, and impleme下唱nted a full range of professional sk票開ills certification system for不和 service personnel, and the service做算s of these engineers have be些有en highly evaluat算技ed and affirmed by答為 the users.

At the same time, Fwone constantly 跳人refines its professional 鄉腦capabilities, strives低民 for excellence綠民 in its products and services, pays 照厭attention to details in pr我林oduct development and impleme都通ntation delivery, maintains in-d見聽epth communication 子照with customers, values知都 customer feedba城現ck, and continuously impr商街oves its products and opti子熱mizes its service化電s to bring customers a爸光 better service 算紙experience.

Fwone always adheres to scientific a器冷nd technological innova熱相tion to lead the d開議evelopment of enterpr謝區ises, in 2017 on-line self-developed O兒件2O IT service order system, has won the空跳 three ITSS information te間那chnology servic西一e operation and maintenance醫熱 standard certification 家們and ISO9001 qualit化子y management system cer校人tification, won the ISO200科風00 information techn玩中ology service manageme關物nt system and ISO27001 informat光志ion security management system 資煙certification, won a patent for i短生nvention, more than 30 sof短鄉twritings, was evaluated a兒通s the "high-tech enterprise o紅唱f Hubei Province", "銀內innovative" small an藍劇d medium-sized enterp拿暗rises in Beijing City, and 外如so on, and has been highly火農 recognized by the industry.


Fwone pays close attention to the i師什ndustry's development dynamic金時s and technological prog弟近ress, keeps up with the industry tren市相d, and continuo歌門usly invests in R&D a媽遠nd technological innovation to m近還eet the ever-changing學人 market demand. In March 美訊of this year, we put 理兵forward the digital transformation, fir也好mly believe that development作錯 is the first priority, n吧討ot to develop is to t還來ake a dead end, and to take the r黃玩oad of high-qual呢相ity development, and are committed to b東店uilding a leading digita白飛l enterprise with 路校intelligent analysis as its brain, brin術銀ging new service exp雨討erience and development opportu但線nities for customers.

In the future, Fwone Technology will continue to in愛輛tegrate multiple forces, aggregate你道 advantageous reso秒能urces, focus on pr事著oduct development and technological in討化novation, provide開雪 customers with quality products and s商年ervices, and help enterprise dev女金elopment and scient志街ific and technological雜高 innovation.

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