Planning and Construction o看花f Information System

Provides a one-stop solution service 放身for enterprise.
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Introduction of Services

Enterprise IT system nee明男ds overall planning, we can prov開還ide you with a complete system 黑場deployment program and the overal花西l weak electricity project cont這短racting

We can also do contingen什西cy planning for y見校our existing system and man錯公agement environ說畫ment.

Service content:

1. Server room constructio到現n.

Server room cons下民truction is a syste師有matic project, under the 跳做premise of reliable and safe, to meet t少問he functional needs, and take into acc街日ount the aesthetic and prac頻坐tical, to provide 們短a safe space for th做裡e operation of equipment.

2. Comprehensive wiring, netw器城ork equipment installation and 做討commissioning:

Use a variety o可吧f equipment for the overall la但些yout of the inf銀黃ormation management syst笑民em, voice, data, graphics, m妹章ultimedia and other equipment s她空ystems connected to each ot頻和her, and debugging of various eq線但uipment to ensure th城外e smooth operation of the equipmen見內t.

3. Application 黃亮system:

Virtualization, active 見個directory, mail system, monit問愛oring system, d飛年atabase construction and Oracle operati男志on and maintenance

4.Oracle database configurat購舊ion:

Program consulting, design 店在and archiving maintena如雜nce, on-site emergency re不錯scue, on-demand rout女習ine inspection, database installa笑費tion, backup and upgrade, database conf通很iguration, performance and operating sy門資stem optimization, da頻畫tabase daily operation and maintenanc好從e management specifications.

5.Weak Electricity Engineering : Mult弟我imedia system, security monitoring sy短可stem, conference system, in短南tercom system and other deployment.

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