Fwone was Selected做些 as an Employment Apprenticeship快內 Base by Wuhan Univers區在ity.


Wuhan University Student 聽吃Employment Apprenticeship 樂做Bases are enterprises and長老 institutions recognized by th草睡e Bureau of Human Resources an高機d Social Security to provide employm知美ent apprenticeships for 中中unemployed graduates of or什數dinary colleges and univ黃一ersities. They mainly of水你fer various employ內來ment trainings to graduates, h時歌elping them make 光我a smoother transition from s廠冷chool to society, master addition又謝al work skills, improve their p冷大rofessional qualities and abilities. 老為They also create conditions for emplo花也yers to select and 城大hire talents, promoting full e在得mployment of graduates.


Helping Graduates Integrate Quick音南ly and Grow in Muti-Directi紅做ons.


Fwone was selected due to its year聽聽s of development and accumulation. S雜拍ince its inception, Fwone has fo土要cused on computer technology ser銀西vices. Through continuous 黑鄉research, development國農, and innovation, it has 請的established a mature profes機市sional service system. Fwone is從讀 equipped with a professional 可黃team proficient in both technology and離呢 management. It兒報 has implemented a comprehensi低照ve professional skills certificat下劇ion system for service per什光sonnel. The services provided 輛坐by Fwone's engineers have been hi務紅ghly evaluated and af老坐firmed by users為藍, and the company has a promising futu謝訊re.



Furthermore, Fwone actively eng朋好ages in understanding the ne海年eds of graduates. The company visits 西靜colleges and universities, communicat山見es directly with gra我知duates, and gains insi藍子ghts into their job mark對畫et awareness and skill g報火aps. Based on this understanding, Fwone內爸 designs targeted training pr少機ograms to facilitate the growth 但一and development of筆作 graduates in multi-directions下地.


In accordance wit機老h the relevant administrative regul弟從ations on employment apprenticeshi購線p, we carefully formul睡雪ate an annual employment apprentic購上eship program and cont能這inuously explore quality app通能renticeship positions. 都場Our aim is to enabl男慢e graduates to f通制ully leverage their strengths, m什業ake effective career 黑子plans, and establish a strong foun一放dation for their間下 future development.





It constantly imp時妹roves and perfect時和s the rules and regulations for 媽理the management of employment tr來看aineeships, and implements the pro讀靜visions on daily management and身商 job coaching, so that they can 男行integrate into the company mo場子re quickly and realize rapi志師d growth through the help o數務f the trainee coaching teac快問hers. At the same time, it helps to red海樂uce the pressure of employment 身學and play the role of em老拿ployment apprenti化嗎ceship in promoting employment 兵信and stabilizing em那票ployment.





We believe in organizing various train很謝ing activities, which not o熱木nly provide practical skill d說生evelopment but also線樹 enhance theoretica暗師l knowledge. By blending practical員著 experience with theoretical understand愛下ing, we aim to equip gra刀家duates with the necessary c務南apabilities to excel in their positi在笑ons and fulfill their d對高uties with excellence.



From Apprenticeship to Employme妹服nt - We Provide a Com行學prehensive Growth System to Promot動兵e the Development of Grad聽個uates

On-the-job training to focus聽信 on the quality o遠門f engineers' services

Every year, we formulate a裡兒nnual training topics for a子信ll engineers, a很我nd implement online讀身 training and assessment to 樹書gatekeep engineers' skills and s爸讀ervices. Training courses include bu風線siness system process, c熱拿ustomer communication sk黃機ills, weak power project training, PMP離刀 project manageme為算nt, etc., to enhance th少在e ability of engineers in all as跳物pects.


Annual Development著快: Encouraging Engineers to Upgrade輛大 Their Skills

We combine the abili校朋ties and intentions舞線 of engineers to formulate annua西在l self-development數影 courses. We guide and男站 assist engineers 書章in completing self-learning t長謝hroughout the year. Through annual ass玩業essments, we evaluate the learni可地ng effectiveness of employees. 訊光This approach encourages engin城腦eers to continuously upgra內喝de their skills an畫弟d knowledge.


02 Promotion and A他村ppraisal

Fwone has establish答民ed its own onlin但微e training and examination ratin北短g and evaluation微船 system. The "Fwo男劇ne Engineer Rating and 長章Examination System&quo美商t; is implemented to rate engi店自neers using a comprehen子舊sive evaluation sys慢內tem. This system近是 aims to strictly standardize engi妹黃neers' service skill裡文s and professionalism, meet答不 customer requirements for engi山鄉neers' abilities, and encourage多現 engineers to develop湖妹 in both technic愛商al and managerial directions.


Setting up Monthly Assessmen紙那t and Annual Comprehensive Evalua得開tion We have established a 票時monthly assessm科冷ent and annual comprehensive兵船 evaluation system. With the help of b那飛ig data analysis and statistical sy科請stem, we combine customer feedback to c你風onduct a comprehensive eval謝去uation and assessment of engineers. Th飛場is allows us to make informed decisions金草 and provide feedback for continuo爸姐us improvement.

03 Planning and Growth

Fwone provides employees低商 with growth planning guidan通山ce to help identify career or物她ientation and promote算光 talent growth,我些 reflecting our commitment to huma路綠nistic care.

We integrate talent development 務黃planning with the bu亮劇siness's strategic ob做兵jectives and human resource pl很北anning. This enables 雜見us to optimize the level, 船習quantity, and structure of talents, w化站hile implementing ta通的rgeted and persiste近著nt talent inventory and cultivation. 還年We recognize talent問朋s as a crucial r些樂esource for enterprise developm見兒ent, ensuring long-term growth.

In the future, Fwone will continue t商劇o play a role in promoting and離通 stabilizing em技時ployment. Leveraging the platform 為路of Wuhan University Students多木9; Employment Apprenticesh廠放ip Base, we will村離 be more comprehensively in我明volved in talent cultivat內美ion. Our aim is to h到雜elp graduates integrate into socie微山ty more effecti都計vely and quickly, fulfill our見她 social responsibility of promoting a快生nd stabilizing employment, a廠小nd nurture and deliver excepti空可onal talents for industry and畫就 societal development.

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