The heart of the public welfare, n又見ot forgetting the responsibilit錯訊y.


In August 2021, Fwon作爸e learned that Hubei Universit問人y of Economics was 船林about to start school, and the 務間pressure of epidemic prevention on t器懂he school side increased 做費dramatically. after lear村兵ning this news, 兵身our company contacted with the lead不現ership of the school and qu森站ickly organized the marketin得請g department to視技 carry out the purchase of disinfect風不ion materials in the h用遠ope of contributing a little bi工睡t of strength to Wuhan's fight家是 against the epidemic物間. on August 26th,個輛 the love and donations ceremo厭志ny was officially held in Hube費跳i University of Eco機美nomics.



(School leaders and col我兒leagues work toge信離ther to help move g動章oods)

In this activity, Fwone donated a to熱些tal of 1,200 bot作聽tles of disinfectant water. During t為雪he special period, Qunsi 頻有will not be a bystander, although we山校 can not fight in the front lin我暗e of epidemic prevention and co影請ntrol, we will do our little 行匠to contribute to winning the battle aga林都inst the epidemic.



       (Hold a 化還donation ceremony)


Fwone has never forgotten th動林e social responsibility that an ent坐說erprise should undertake,師在 and it is the basic cultivation我身 of Fwone people to actively do meanin水小gful things for the場什 society, not forgetti我美ng to practice so女器cial responsibility while deve笑明loping the enterprise, and at the same些商 time, Fwone hopes to influence more pe歌火ople to participate件服 in the public 校員welfare and charity with practical acti很信ons, and to build a livin什慢g environment full of w土章armth and care together with all o少器f us.

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